Tuesday, December 23, 2008

‘Day Long Dharna’at our Hqrs. on 12th January, 2009

Manishinath Bhawan A-2/95 Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. 110 027.
Phone: 2510 5324 Fax: 25105324. Mobile: 98110 48303

Dear Comrade,

You are aware that the All India Federations/Associations under COC(Revenue) in it’s meeting dated 18-11-2008 decided to observe ‘Lunch Hour Demonstration’ on 22-12-2008 and ‘Day Long Dharna’ on 12th January, 2009 in pursuit of our common demands, which were prepared in the said meeting. These demands have already been submitted to the Revenue Secretary and a copy has also been forwarded to the constituent Federations/Associations through e-mail.

In this respect I have been directed to request you to take necessary steps to mobilize all your federating units to make a grand success of agitational programme of ‘Lunch Hour Demonstration’ on 22-12-2008 and 'Day Long Dharna' on 12-01-2009 and also to demonstrate our strength & unity before the Authorities. In this regard a draft resolution is annexed herewith which needs to be forwarded to the Revenue Secretary, by each & every Unit Secretary of the Organisations under COC(Revenue), on that day and a copy of the same to be forwarded to the Convenors.

I have also been directed to request all the top executives of the Federations /Associations under the Revenue department i.e. President & Secretary General to participate in the meeting of the COC which is scheduled to be held on 5th January, 2009 at Manishinath Bhawan, NewDelhi, as vital & important decisions with regard to the strategies to achieve our just goals will have to be taken therein. Besides, such a presence will strengthen the Unity amongst various organisations in the Revenue Dept., and that alone can ensure any success.

Yours Comradely,
Saugata Chakraborty
Joint Convenor, COC(Revenue).
e-mail:- aicmef@yahoo.co.in 09433402024/Tel.Fax-033 22305530

The Secretaries,
1. Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association ,2. Income Tax Employees Federation ,3. All India Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers Federation ,4. All India Central Excise Inspectors’ Officers Federation ,5. All India Central Excise & Customs Ministerial Officers’ Federation ,6. All India Customs & Central Excise Gr. D Officers’ Federation ,7. All India Customs Preventive Services Federation ,8. All India Customs Appraisers Officers’ Federation ,9. All India Customs Preventive Superintendents’ Federation ,10. All India Customs Ministerial Employees Federation ,11. All India Customs Group “D” Officers’ Federation ,12. All India Federation of Central Excise & Customs Telecommunication ,13. Customs Departmental Canteen ,14. All India Narcotics Executive Officers Federation ,15. All India Narcotics Group ‘D’ Officers Federation
To see the draft strike notice of the Confederation please click the link below
Charter of demand

Part I. 6th CPC related issues

1. Grant Rs 10000 as minimum wage as per 15 ILC Norms.
2. Grant minimum fitment benefit of 2.625 times of pre-revised basic pay to bring about uniform rise of 40% in emoluments and raise grade pay to 50% of the maximum of the pre-revised scales in respect of PB 1,2 & 3 as has been done in the case of PB 4.
3. No abolition of Gr.D. Posts and functions. Lift ban on recruitment, fill up all vacant posts and scrap screening Committee.
4. Grant 10% of pay+ Grade pay as minimum benefit on promotion or financial up gradation.
5. Fix the date of effect of all allowances as 1.1.2006.
6. No performance related pay or bonus scheme
7. Revise the Transport and daily allowances as demanded by the staff side JCM National Council.
8. Remove the condition of 6 months for applying the uniform date of Ist July as increment dates.
9 . ACP to be on hierarchical system obtaining in each department.
10. Retain and improve CGHS and make insurance scheme optional
11. Implement flexitime working hours for women/disabled employees as recommended by the 6 CPC and remove clause (iv) of OM No.13019/2/2008-Estt.(L) dated 18th Nov. 2008 on Child Care Leave.
12. Direct all the Departmental Heads to settle 6th CPC related department specific demands/problems within a stipulated time.
13. Grant civil servant status and Pension to 'Gramin Dak-Sevaks.'
14. No reduction in the commutation value and restoration of full pension after 12 years.
15. Compute the pension entitlement on the basis of notional pay as on 1.1.1996
Part II-Demands pending settlement for long in the National Council JCM

1. No outsourcing or contractorisation of Govt. functions.
2. Grant statutory defined pension scheme to the employees recruited after 1.1.2004 and withdraw the PFRDA Bill from Parliament.
3. Implement the Board of Arbitration Awards.
4. Remove the arbitrary 5% ceiling and 3 years condition on compassionate appointment and withdraw court cases and absorb all waitlisted RRR candidates.
5. Implement the revision of bonus ceiling @ 3500/- in the case of all personnel employed by the Government including casual/contingent and daily rated workers and Grameen Dak Sewaks. Replace adhoc bonus with the PLB and remove the 60 days ceiling.
Part III-Demands pending settlement in the Department of Revenue:

1. Restoration of pay parity of Inspectors’ of Central Excise, Customs and in Income-Tax with Inspector’s of C.B.I as envisaged in the Part-B and Part-C of revised pay rules 2008.
2. Notional effect of the fixation of pre revised pay scale of Inspector and superintendent of Central Excise and Customs, Inspector and I.T.O of Income Tax. from 01.01.1996.
3. Stop immediately formation of large tax-payers unit.
4. Grant the benefit of New A.C.P. scheme to all employees who stagnate in a scale/grade for more than ten (10) years.

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