Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Proposed Boycott on All India Central Revenue Meet to be Held at Pune 28-30 Jan 2013, by Group-B Executive officers for non implementation of Supreme Court Order -Letter to CC by Pune unit


PRESIDENT: GR DESAI                                                   GEN SECRETARY:Smt.R.JOSHI
Pune, 16 .01.2013
The Chief Commissioner,
Central Excise & Customs,
Pune Zone, Pune.


Sub: Proposed Boycott on All India Central Revenue Meet to be Held at Pune 28-30 Jan 2013, by Group-B Executive officers for non implementation of Supreme Court Order…..reg
As your honour is aware that the CBEC is adopting all the tricks to delay the implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court order dt.03.08.2011 [re-affirmed on 30.03.2012] & this petitioner unit was provided with the opportunity to meet Hon’ble Chairperson CBEC at Pune on 24.12.2012.

The delegation of this petitioner Associate unit had put up logical requests, duly supported by the DoP&T guidelines, & through written submissions had also offered to extend the soft-skills required to quickly complete the work relating to correct implementation of Apex court order.

However, the officers of our cadre at Pune & All India level are denied with the legitimate career progression [especially the Direct Recruit Inspector Central Excise], while the CBEC is only offering dry-sympathy.

Therefore, most of the general-members of this Associate unit had expressed there anguish & displeasure, and requested this unit office bearers to take up the proposal with All India Body to declare BOYCOTT (in every possible manner)on the proposed All India Revenue Meet to be held at Pune during 28-30 Jan 2013.

Accordingly, this Associate unit has approached the All India Body in this regard with a request to declare BOYCOTT. The decision taken by the All India Body of this Association shall be implemented whole-heartedly by this petitioner unit. 

In the circumstances, it is requested that your honour may like to take note of the feelings of Gr-B executive officers in general & the stagnated one in specific. Incidentally, your honour may like to restrain some of the senior officers from taking any steps that may add fuel to the aggrieved & angry minds of the Central Excise officers.

Submitted, for information please.

Yours faithfully,


source facebook group 'Nothing on Government policie

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