Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Clarification on grade pay of Rs.5400 to Group B Officers in CBEC

In line with the clarification issued by CBDT, Central Board of Excise and Customs has now issued clarification on grant of grade pay of Rs.5400 to Group B Officers in Central Excise and Customs.

As per this clarification Group B Officers of CBEC, who have completed 4 years of service as on 1.1.2006 are entitled for grade pay of Rs.5400/- in PB-2 with effect from 01.01.2006. Earlier, these officers were given this non-functional upgradation only from the year 2008 on the notion that the pay scale of Rs.7500-250-12000 was attained by these Officers only during the year 2008It was also clarified that the non functional grade pay of Rs.5400 in PB-2 will not be granted to Group Officers who have got the grade pay of Rs.4800 on upgradation under the ACP Scheme.

Click to download the clarification

1 comment:

Gconnect said...

Joslyn Dsouza, Pune said;-

This is Ridiculous. On the one hand Inspectors of central excise are group B officers and yet grade pay of 5400 is being denied to them after completing four years after acp. What a shame.

Mrs. R. Nair said ;-

The Govt. resolution speaks only regarding group B officers placed in the payscale of Rs. 7500-250-12000 and the completion of 4 years in that pay scale. The Deptt. of Expenditure was not able to interpret the effective date initially and denied the benefit to everyone till 2008 and even now they have stuck to their guns and have denied the benefit to ACP inspectors. I think that the Deptt. of Expenditure is full of sadists who get great pleasure in denying the officers their due! I hope this issue is still there in the discussions being held between our association and the Board, as the website of the association does not contain any updates regarding the same. is there any news regarding the case filed in Eranakulam CAT on this issue?

T.S.Abraham said ;-

Why upgrade officers who got promotion within 10 years of joining service whereas not upgrading officers who have completed 22 years are due for the second ACP as per old rules. Refers to Income tax inspectors, Preventive officers, Examiners. Why the excise inspector should suffer. This is draconian interpretation.

V. SIVAKUMAR said ;-

Hi everyone,
The non-functional upgradation to the Group ‘B’ officers, who have served as Supdts for 4 years, if applied only to the functional superintendents, will not serve any purpose as most of the supdts. working presently have earned their 2nd ACP (on completion of 24 years of service) or would be eligible for 2nd ACP under the revised MACP (on completion of 20 years of service). Even the long-standing Inspectors (awaiting promotion after completion of more than 18-19 years of service) would be eligible for 5400 grade pay under the revised MACP. I think the intention of the upgradation is not to deny the 5400 grade pay to others if it cannot be applied to most of the Group ‘B’ Officers. The underlying cause is ‘acute stagnation’ which has to be addressed to by the people at the top. If this is not attended to on a war footing, the senior officers(both Supdts and Inspectors)will suffer double jeopardy of denial of career progression and pay upgradation vis-a-vis other junior officers getting early promotion and pay upgradation. Everything else will settle down if the grievences of the cadre are redressed properly. With best wishes,

Vijayshankar said ;-

Well, you cannot compare Customs and Income Tax with Central Excise. In Income tax and Customs, they get promoted from Preventive Officers to Superintendents and from Inspectors to Income Tax Officers in max 12 years. In Central Excise, it takes 17 years for General Candidates and 16 for SC Candidates to get promotion, hence, if seen the 4 years would be redundant for all inspectors promoted from the time MACP takes effect. This is because in 20 years they would have got 5400/- grade pay whereas the clause of 4 years would be completed only after gettting the revised MACP. The Board should have noted this and if required taken it up with the Pay Commission and issued orders in regard to ACP inspectors too.

Hope all of you understand the problems of stagnation in Central Excise.