Central Board of Excise & Customs
F. No. 8 / B /69 / HRD (HRM) / 201....................................................................................... Dated: 30th August, 2011
All the Chief Commissioners of Customs & Central Excise
All the Directors General
All the Commissioners (In-charge of Directorates)
Subject: Preparation for implementation of the Proposal for Cadre restructuring and Reorganization of the Field formations- regarding
As you would be aware, the proposal for Cadre Restructuring and Reorganization of the Field Formations under the Central Board of Excise & Customs is presently under advanced stage of consideration. To give effect to the proposal, following steps are required to be taken for its implementation :-
i. Defining the jurisdictions of the reorganized field formations and preparation of the draft of Notification in this regard;
ii. Projection of the requirements of office space and related infrastructure for the reorganized field formations ; &
iii. Updation of APARs / ACRs of the officers and staff
3.1 The summary of the proposal for reorganization of the existing formations is enclosed as Annexure ‘A’. It is requested that Chief Commissioners in-charge of various existing zones may kindly suggest the locations of the new Zones / Commissionerates, which are proposed to be created in within their jurisdiction. In the areas where reorganization of more than one Zone (e.g. reorganization of existing Mumbai-I, Mumbai-II and Mumbai-III Central Excise Zone) is being contemplated, the Chief Commissioners of all the concerned Zones may work out the proposal in this consultation with each other and forward their suggestions in the form of a single proposal. Draft Notifications for the reorganized set up of Zone(s) and Commissionerates may also kindly be sent.
3.2 It is also requested that the infrastructure requirements of the new Zones and Commissionerates of your respective jurisdictions in the reorganized set-up may also assessed and intimated. In this context, it is pertinent to mention that in each of the Central Excise and Service Tax Zones, one Audit Commissionerate would also be created. In addition, each of Central Excise, Service Tax and Customs Zone would have one office of Commissioner (Appeals). Twenty one Cadre Controlling Zones / Directorates (list enclosed as Annexure ‘B’) would also have one Commissioner (Cadre Control). Proposed Staffing Norms for various types of field formations are provided in the Annexure ‘C’). It is hoped that the staffing norms would be useful for calculating the required office space.
3.3 Chief Commissioners / Directors General are also requested to ensure that APARs / ACRs of all the officers and staff under their respective charges are updated for conducting DPCs at short notice for promotions to various grades at the time of implementation of Cadre Restructuring Proposal.
4.0 It is requested that the proposals/compliance report on the aforementioned issue may kindly be sent to the Additional Director General (HRM),DGHRD,507,Deep Shikha,Rajendra Place,New Delhi-110008 latest by 17th October,2011
Encl.: As Above
(Praveen Mahajan)
(Praveen Mahajan)
Member (P&V)
Copy for kind information to the Chairman,CBEC,North Block,New Delhi.
A. Reorganization of Central Excise & Service Tax Formations:
(i) Lucknow & Meerut CE Zones: The existing 7 Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerates under Lucknow and Meerut Zones are proposed to reorganize into ten (10) Central Excise Commissionerates and one (1) Service Tax Commissionerate. These 11 Commissionerates are proposed to be organized into three (3) Central Excise & Service Tax Zones. The Service Tax Commissionerate is proposed to be located at NOIDA to cater to the assessees of NOIDA and Ghaziabad area, Remaining Service Tax Assessees would be catered to by the jurisdictional Central Excise Commissionerate.
(ii) Ranchi (Patna ) CE Zone: The existing 3 Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerates under Ranchi Zone are proposed to be reorganized into 5 Central Excise Commissionerates. These 5 Commissionerates are proposed to be organized into two (2) integrated Central Excise & Service Tax Zones.
(iii) Mumbai-I & Mumbai-II CE Zones: The existing 10 Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerates under two Zones are proposed to reorganized into 8 Central Excise Commissionerates and seven Service Tax Commissionerates. These 15 Commissionerates are proposed to be organized into three (3) Central Excise & two (2) Service Tax Zones.
(iv) Pune CE Zone: The existing 4 Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerates under Pune Zone are proposed to be reorganized into seven (7) Central Excise Commissionerates (including one exclusive CE Commissionerate at Goa), and one (1) exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate. In addition, there would be two exclusive Customs Commissionerates- One in Pune and another at Goa . Seven (7) Central Excise and One (1) Service Tax Commissionerates are proposed to be organized into three (3) Central Excise Zones.
(v) Nagpur CE Zone: Nagpur CE Zone is a peculiar Zone in as much as this is the only Zone where the three participating Commissionerates are staffed by two different staff cadres- Bhopal CE cadre provides staff for Nagpur CE Commissionerate and Mumbai/ Pune CE Cadre provides staff for Aurangabad and Nashik Commissionerates.
The existing 3 Central Excise Commissionerates under Nagpur CE Zone are proposed to be reorganized into six (6) Central Excise Commissionerates, under two (2) Central Excise Zones.
(vi) Bangalore and Mysore CE Zones: The number of existing 6 Central Excise Commissionerates under two Zones are proposed to be retained as such, while one Service Tax Commissionerate is proposed to be reorganized into two (2) ST Commissionerates. These 8 Commissionerates are proposed to be organized into two CE Zones and one (1) ST Zone.
(vii) Cochin Central CE Zone: Normatively, the existing 3 Central Excise Commissionerates under Cochin Zone should be reorganized into one (1) Commissionerate only. However, two of the three Commissionerates, viz. Thiruvanathapuram and Calicut Commissionerates manage two major International Airports and air-cargo complexes attached to them. Hence, the existing three Commissionerates have to be necessarily retained. These three Commissionerates can be organized into one (1) exclusive CE & ST Zone. Existing two Customs Commissionerates, viz. Customs Preventive Commissionerate and Custom House Cochin, are proposed to be kept as they are. However, these two Commissionerates would be under one exclusive Customs Zone.
(viii) Delhi Central Excise Zone: The existing 6 Central Excise Commissionerates under Delhi CE Zone are to be reorganized into twelve (12) CE Commissionerate and four (4) Service Tax Commissionerates. These Commissionerates of Central Excise & Service Tax are to be organized into four (4) CE and One (1) Service Tax Zones.
(ix) Chandigarh CE Zone: The existing 4 Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerates under Chandigarh Zone are proposed to reorganized into five (5) Central Excise Commissionerates and one exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate. These 6 Commissionerates of Central Excise & Service Tax are proposed to be organized into two Zones.
(x) Chennai & Coimbatore CE Zones: The number of existing 10 Central Excise Commissionerates and one Service Tax Commissionerate under two Zones are proposed to be reorganized into nine (9) CE Commissionerates, while one Service Tax Commissionerate is proposed to be reorganized into two (2) ST Commissionerates. These 11 Commissionerates are proposed to be organized into two (2) CE Zones and one (1) ST Zone.
(xi) Jaipur CE Zone: The existing two (2) Central Excise Commissionerates under Jaipur CE Zone are to be reorganized into four (4) CE Commissionerate Commissionerates. These Commissionerates of Central Excise & Service Tax are to be organized into one (1) CE Zone.
(xii) Bhopal CE Zone: The existing 3 Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerates under Bhopal Zone are proposed to be reorganized into 6 Central Excise Commissionerates. These six (6) Commissionerates are proposed to organized into two (2) Central Excise & Service Tax Zones.
(xiii) Hyderabad & Vishakhapatnam CE Zone: The existing 8 Central Excise Commissionerates under the two Zones are proposed to be reorganized into seven (7) Central Excise Commissionerates and one (1) Service Tax Commissionerate. These Commissionerates of Central Excise and Service Tax are proposed to be organized into three (3) CE Zones.
As regards reorganization on Customs side, it is proposed to create one exclusive Customs Commissionerate at Hyderabad for Airport and ACC, while one Customs (P) Commissionerate at Kakinada . Vishakhapatnam Custom House is proposed to be retained as such. The proposed Hyderabad Customs Commissionerate and other remaining two Customs Commissionerates are proposed to be kept under one exclusive Customs Zone.
(xiv) Kolkata Central Excise Zone: Kolkata CE Zone is the biggest Central Excise Zone in terms of the number of Commissionerates under its jurisdiction. Presently, there are ten (10) executive CE Commissionerates and one (1) exclusive Service Tax Commissionerate function under its jurisdiction. It is proposed to reorganize existing Commissionerates into nine (9) Central Excise Commissionerates and two (2) Service Tax Commissionerates under two (2) Central Excise and one (1) Service Tax Zone.
(xv) Shillong CE Zone: Considering the existing revenue and assessee-base profile of the Zone, the existing 3 Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerates and one Customs Preventive Commissionerates under Shillong CE Zone are proposed to be retained as such.
(xvi) Bhubaneshwar CE Zone: The existing 2 Central Excise & Service Tax Commissionerates under Bhubaneshwar Zone are proposed to be reorganized into 3 Central Excise Commissionerates and one Customs (P) Commissionerate. The three (3) CE Commissionerates and the Customs Commissionerate at Shillong are proposed to be organized into one (1) Central Excise Zone.
(xvii) Ahmedabad & Vadodara CE Zones: The number of existing eleven (11) Central Excise Commissionerates and one (1) Service Tax Commissionerate under two Zones are proposed to be reorganized into Sixteen (16) Central Excise Commissionerates and one Service Tax Commissionerate. These seventeen (17) Commissionerates are proposed to be organized into five (5) CE Zones.
B. Reorganization of Customs Field Formations:
(i) Ahmedabad Customs Zone: Three (3) existing Customs Commissionerates under Ahmedabad Customs Zone are proposed to be retained.
(ii) Bangalore Customs Zone: It is proposed to reorganize the zone into three (3) Customs Commissionerates- two (2) Integrated Customs Commissionerates and one (1) Airport Commissionerate at Bangalore .
(iii) Chennai Customs Zone: It is proposed to reorganize the existing three Customs Commissionerates into 3 Export Commissionerates and three Import Commissionerate, and an exclusive Airport / ACC Commissionerates. These seven (7) Customs Commissionerates may be organized into two (2) Customs Zones.
(iv) Chennai Customs (P) Zone: Chennai Customs (P) Zone presently has two Customs (P) Commissionerates under its jurisdiction, viz. Tuticorin and Tiruchirapally Commissionerates. These Commissionerates, even though initially created as Customs Preventive Commissionerates, also attend to Customs clearance work also. These two Commissionerates cover the entire highly sensitive coastline (except the coastline falling within the jurisdiction of Chennai Customs Zone) of the State of Tamilnadu . Hence, these Commissionerates are proposed to be retained as such. The Office of the Chennai Customs (P) Zone is proposed to be shifted from Chennai, which is around 700 Kms away from the jurisdiction of the Zone to Tiruchirapally.
(v) Delhi Customs Zone: Presently, there are three Commissionerates under Delhi Customs Zone. It is proposed to be reorganized into two (2) Customs Zones and existing three Commissionerates into three (3) Export Commissionerates, three (3) Import Commissionerates and one (1) Airport & ACC Commissionerate.
(vi) Delhi Customs (P) Zone: There are three (3) Customs (P) Commissionerates under the Zone, two of which Amritsar and Jodhpur Customs (P) Commissionerates have jurisdiction over vast and highly vulnerable Indo- Pak Border, while the third one Delhi Customs (P) Commissionerate exercises jurisdiction over sensitive formations such as ICDs in Delhi and IGI Airport, Delhi. It is proposed to bifurcate Amritsar Customs (P) Commissionerate to create a Customs Commissionerate at Ludhiana . Commissionerate at Ludhiana is proposed to exercise jurisdiction over all revenue generating formation located in the State of Punjab , while Amritsar Customs (P) Commissionerate would exclusively attend to preventive functions.
Thus, after reorganization Delhi Customs (P) Zone would have 3 Customs (P) Commissionerates and one (1) integrated Customs Commissionerate under its jurisdiction.
(vii) Kolkata Customs Zone: Presently, there are two Customs Commissionerates and one Customs (P) Commissionerate under its jurisdiction. Two Customs Commissionerates are manned by Customs Cadres of Kolkata Custom House, while West Bengal Customs (P) Commissionerate, which is vanguard of 960 kms. long coast line, is manned by Central Excise, Kolkata cadres. It is proposed to keep the number of Customs revenue Commissionerates at its present level of two (2). West Bengal Customs (P) Commissionerate is proposed to be retained as such.
(viii) Mumbai-I, Mumbai-II & Mumbai-III Customs Zones: Three Customs Zones in Mumbai exercise jurisdiction over nine (9) Customs Commissionerates, one of which is a Customs (Preventive) Commissionerate. These three Customs Zones in Mumbai are to be reorganized into seven (7) Customs Zones consisting of one (1) Customs Preventive Commissionerate, One (1) Integrated Customs Commissionerate, Eight (8) Customs (Imports) Commissionerates, nine (9) Customs Export Commissionerates and one (1) Airport Commissionerate.
(ix) Patna Customs (P) Zones: There are two (2) Customs Preventive Commissionerates under this Zone presently. These two Commissionerates exercise jurisdiction over vast stretches of sensitive and vulnerable Indo-Nepal Border as well as various other sensitive formations such as Gaya Airport & Patna Airport in Bihar and Lucknow and Varanasi Airports in Uttar Pradesh. It is proposed to have this Zone with existing two (2) Customs (P) Commissionerates at Patna & Lucknow under its jurisdiction.
(x) Proposed Customs Zones:
(i) Cochin Customs Zone: It is proposed to create a new Customs Zone at Cochin with two Customs Commissionerates, viz., Cochin Custom House and Cochin Customs (P) Commissionerate, which are presently under the jurisdiction of Cochin Central Excise Zone. It is proposed to retain the said two (2) Customs Commissionerates in the State of Kerala , viz. Cochin Custom House and Cochin Customs (P) Commissionerate, under the jurisdiction of an exclusive Customs Zone at Cochin .
(ii) Vishakhapatnam Customs Zone: It is proposed to create a new Customs Zone at Vishakhapatnam with following three Customs Commissionerates:
(a) Vishakhapatnam Custom House
(b) Kakinada Customs (P) Commissionerate
(c) Hyderabad Customs Commissionerate
(iii) Pune Customs Zone: It is proposed to create a new Customs Zone at Pune with two Customs Commissionerates, viz. Pune Customs Commissionerate & Goa Custom House.
(xi) Customs Commissionerates under Central Excise Zones
(a) Shillong Customs (P) Commissionerate is proposed to be kept within the jurisdiction of reorganized Shillong Central Excise Zone.
(b) Bhubaneshwar Customs (P) Commissionerate, proposed to be created, would be under the jurisdiction of the reorganized Bhubaneshwar Central Excise Zone.
C. Reorganization of Directorates General / Directorates
(i) Directorate of Central Excise Intelligence presently has six Zonal Units, each under an ADG (CEI), located at Delhi , Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Bangalore and Kolkata. There are 18 Regional Units functioning under these Zonal Units. It is proposed to create four (4) Regional Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence., each headed by a Chief Commissioner level officer. These Regional Directorates General are proposed to be located at Delhi , Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. The Regional Directorate General of CEI located in Delhi would also function as the Head Quarter of the Directorate and would facilitate coordination amongst the four RDGCEI as well as coordination with the Board. The Delhi Regional Directorate General would be headed by Principal Chief Commissioner, while the remaining two would be headed by Chief Commissioners. It is also proposed to create three more Zonal Units to be located at Hyderabad , Bhopal and Lucknow . Similarly, 7 more Regional Units (to be called Sub-zonal Units in future) to be located at Gandhidham, Rajkot , Jabalpur , NOIDA, Dehradun, Vishakhapatnam and Aurangabad are also proposed to be created. It is also proposed to rename the Directorate as Directorate General of Central Excise & Service Tax Intelligence.
(ii) Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence is an apex organization with unified command at all India level. It is proposed to create four (4) Regional Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence, each headed by a Chief Commissioner level officer. These Regional Directorates General are proposed to be located at Delhi , Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata . The Regional Directorate General of Revenue Intelligence located in Delhi would also function as the Head Quarter of the Directorate and would facilitate coordination amongst the three RDGRI as well as coordination with the Board. The Delhi Regional Directorate General would be headed by Principal Chief Commissioner, while the remaining three would be headed by Chief Commissioners. It is also proposed to increase presence of DGRI in more geographical areas by reorganization of its Zonal, Regional and Sub-regional units located across the country.
(iii) Directorate General of International Customs: It is proposed to create a new Directorate to discharge all the duties and responsibilities related to existing as well as future international Customs agreements with other countries, coordination with WCO, WTO and other such organizations. The proposed Directorate would be headed by a Chief Commissioner level officer who would be assisted by two Commissioner level officers. The Directorate would be located in Delhi .
(iv) Directorate General of Inspection (Customs and Central Excise): It is proposed to strengthen this Directorate by providing additional staff strength. Further, DGICCE is proposed to be headed by Principal Chief Commissioner, with Headquarters in Delhi .
(v) Directorate General of Human Resources Development: This Directorate has also to be strengthened by providing additional staff strength to it, so as to enable it perform still better.
(vi) National Academy of Customs, Excise and Narcotics: Presently, NACEN has nine (9) Regional Training Institutes, located at New Delhi , Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore , Hyderabad , Kanpur , Vadodara and Patna . It is proposed to create four (4) Regional Academies for Customs, Excise & Narcotics (RACEN) at Delhi (Faridabad ), Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. These RACENs would be headed by Chief Commissioners. In addition three (3) new RTIs are proposed to be created at Bhopal , Cochin and Shillong. These RTIs are proposed to be headed by Commissioners. NACEN Headquarter at Delhi (Faridabad ) is proposed to be headed by a Principal Chief Commissioner.
(vii) Directorate General of Vigilance: It is proposed to have, on the lines of the proposals for DGRI, DGCEI and NACEN etc., four (4) Regional Directorates General of Vigilance at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. These Regional Directorates are proposed to be headed by Chief Commissioners. Directorate General of Vigilance at New Delhi , to be headed by Principal Chief Commissioner, would act as the headquarter of the Directorate.
(viii) Directorate General of Systems and Data Management: It is proposed to upgrade the post of Director General (Systems & Data Management) to the level of Principal Chief Commissioner. Director General would be assisted by seven (7) Commissioner level Officers.
(ix) Directorate General of Audit: Presently, the Directorate General of Audit has its headquarters in Delhi and Seven Zonal Units located across the country. It is proposed to retain the number of Zonal Units at its present level. However, it is proposed to upgrade the post of Director General (Audit) to the level of Principal Chief Commissioner, so as to ensure the supervision of Audit related matters by one of the most experienced officers of the Department.
(x) Directorate General of Safeguards & Directorate General of Export Promotion: Directorate General of Safeguards & Directorate General of Export Promotion undertake studies related to import and export matters with objectives of protecting domestic industry and promoting its international competitive capacity respectively. In the era of globalization of economy, cooperation amongst Customs Organizations in various countries is rapidly increasing, and India is no exception. Since the objectives of both the existing Directorates are complementary to each other and objective of both is to promote Indian industry and trade, it is proposed to bring the two Directorates under the same Director General. Functionally both the wings, viz. Export Promotion and Safeguards wings, would continue to be independent of each other. The Chief Commissioner heading the two formations may be designated as ‘Directorate General of Exports Promotion & Safeguards’.
(xi) Directorate General of Valuation: Considering the importance of valuation in indirect taxes administration, it is proposed to upgrade the post of DG (Valuation) to the level of Principal Chief Commissioner who will be assisted by a Commissioner Grade. It is further proposed to continue the Zonal Units of the Directorate at Delhi , Chennai and Kolkata. Suitable strengthening of the present set up is envisaged.
(xii) Office of the Chief Departmental Representative, CESTAT: Number of the Regional Units of the Office of CDR, CESTAT, is dependent on the number of Benches of CESTAT. Hence, the Cadre Restructuring exercise in case of the office of CDR has to be restricted to strengthening of manpower strength of the said offices. It is proposed to strengthen the CDRs office by increasing the number of Joint CDRs and providing under each Joint CDR, two SDRs and one JDR. This will provide ample time to the officer to prepare for the matter listed for the day. Such strengthening will increase the quality of Departmental representation.
(xiii) Directorate General of Service Tax: For better interaction with the Board, it is proposed to shift the headquarters of the Directorate General of Service Tax to Delhi from Mumbai. Since the Directorate General of Service Tax does not have any staff cadres of its own – all the posts are filled up by deputation basis- the proposed shifting would not create any administrative problems.
(xiv) Directorate of Publicity and Public Relations: Considering the voluminous work related to printing and publication of various important Manuals, Budget, Brochures etc. carried out by the Directorate, it is proposed to strengthen the manpower of the Directorate. It is also proposed to bring this Directorate under Directorate General of Tax Arrear Recovery for administrative control though it would retain its independent functioning.
(xv) Directorate of Legal Affairs: Considering the voluminous work related to the Court Cases filed by the Department or the parties, carried out by the Directorate, it is proposed to strengthen the manpower of the Directorate.
(xvi) Directorate of Logistics: it is proposed to retain the Directorate of Logistics, Customs & Central Excise, as an independent organization. This Directorate would continue to be headed by a Commissioner.
(xvii) Central Bureau of Narcotics & Office of Chief Controller of Opium and Alkaloid Factories: Central Bureau of Narcotics & Office of Chief Controller of Opium and Alkaloid Factories, which are administratively under Central Board of Excise & Customs, are proposed to be brought under one Chief Commissioner level officer.
(xvii) Formations other than Existing Directorates:
(i) Office of the Chief Commissioner Tax Arrear Recovery: It is proposed to convert the office of the Chief Commissioner (Tax Arrear Recovery) into a full-fledged Directorate and name it ‘Directorate General of Tax Arrear Recovery’ with head quarters at Delhi and six Regional Units located across the country. Further, it is also proposed to bring the existing Directorate of Publicity and Public Relations for better supervision of its functioning, under the functional control of Director General Tax Arrear Recovery.
(ii) Settlement Commission: Presently, four (4) posts each of Commissioner and Additional Commissioner in Settlement Commission are encadred with IRS (C&CE). It is proposed to continue with this arrangement.
(iii) Large Tax Payers Units: There are five Large Tax Payer Units (4 are already functional at Delhi , Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore , while the 5th one is likely to start operation soon). Three of these five (Chennai, Bangalore and Kolkata) are headed by the Chief Commissioners of Central Excise & Customs. Remaining two LTUs at Delhi & Mumbai are headed by the Chief Commissioners of Income Tax. Each of the five LTUs has one Commissioner of Central Excise posted. There is no sanctioned strength in any grade, and these LTUs are functioning by diversion of posts. It is proposed to provide separate normative staff strength of 162 posts in all the grades to these LTUs. While the posts from Assistant Commissioner up to Chief Commissioner provided for LTUs are proposed to be encadred with IRS (C&CE), the posts in other grades allocated to LTUs would be filled up by the staff from local Central Excise Zone.
Annexure ‘B’
List of proposed Cadre Controlling Authorities for Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ Cadres
A. Proposed Central Excise Zone:
i. Lucknow
ii. Ranchi (Patna )
iii. Mumbai-I
iv. Bangalore
v. Cochin
vi. Delhi
vii. Chandigarh
viii. Chennai
ix. Jaipur
x. Bhopal
xi. Hyderabad
xii. Kolkata
xiii. Shillong
xiv. Bhubaneshwar
xv. Vadodara
B. Proposed Customs Zones:
i. Chennai
ii. Mumbai
iii. Kolkata
iv. Cochin
C. Directorates General:
Annexure ‘C’
(A) Staffing Norms Central Excise Commissionerate: Each Commissionerate would have 5 Divisions and 25 Ranges.
Sl. No. | Grade | Norms used in the present proposal *** |
1 | Commissioner | 1 |
2 | Addl./Jt. Commr. | 2 |
3 | DC/AC | 10 |
4 | Superintendent | 80 |
5 | Inspector | 120 |
6 | CAO | 1 |
7 | P.S. | 1 |
8 | AO | 10 |
9 | DOS | 20 @ |
10 | STA | |
11 | TA | 24 |
12 | LDC / Record Keeper | 12 |
0 | ||
14 | Steno. | 8 |
15 | Driver# | 5 |
16 | ASI Grade-I / ASI Grade-II / H. Hav./Hav./Sepoy | 75 |
TOTAL | 369 |
(B) Staffing Norms Service Tax Commissionerate:
Each Commissionerate would have 5 Divisions and 25 Ranges
Sl. No. | Grade | Norms used in the present proposal *** | |
1 | Commissioner | 1 | |
2 | Addl./Jt. Commr. | 2 | |
3 | DC/AC | 10 | |
4 | Superintendent | 80 | |
5 | Inspector | 120 | |
6 | CAO | 1 | |
7 | P.S. | 1 | |
8 | AO | 10 | |
9 | DOS | 20 @ | |
10 | STA | ||
11 | TA | 24 | |
12 | LDC | 12 | |
13 | Record Keeper | 0 | |
14 | Steno. | 8 | |
15 | Driver# | 5 | |
16 | ASI Grade-I / ASI Grade-II / H. Hav./Hav./Sepoy | 50 | |
TOTAL | 344 |
(C) Staffing Norms for Customs Commissionerates:
Sl. No. | Grade | Norms used in the present proposal *** |
1 | Commissioner | 1 |
2 | Addl./Jt. Commr. | 3 |
3 | DC/AC | 14 |
4 | Superintendent / Appraiser | 80 |
5 | Inspector | 120 |
6 | CAO | 1 |
7 | P.S. | 1 |
8 | AO | 5 |
9 | DOS | 15 @ |
10 | STA | |
11 | TA | 24 |
12 | LDC | 12 |
13 | Record Keeper | 0 |
14 | Steno. | 11 |
15 | Driver# | 14 |
16 | ASI Grade-I / ASI Grade-II / H. Hav./Hav./Sepoy | 85 |
TOTAL | 386 |
(D) Staffing Norms for Audit Commissionerate:
Sl. No. | Grade | Staffing Norms |
1 | Commissioner | 1 |
2 | Addl./Jt. Commr. | 4 |
3 | DC/AC | 40 |
4 | Superintendent | 80 |
5 | Inspector | 80 |
6 | CAO | 1 |
7 | A.O. | 2 |
8 | P.S. | 1 |
9 | DOS/STA | 5 @ |
10 | TA | 15 |
11 | Steno. | 25 |
12 | Driver# | 4 |
13 | ASI Grade-I / ASI Grade-II / H. Hav./Hav./Sepoy | 10 |
TOTAL | 268 |
# Additional requirement of Drivers to be outsourced.
(E) Staffing Norms for Commissioner (Appeals):
Sl. No. | Grade | Norms used in the present proposal |
1 | Commissioner | 1 |
2 | DC/AC | 1 |
3 | Superintendent | 1 |
4 | Inspector | 2 |
5 | P.S. | 1 |
6 | TA | 2 |
7 | Steno. | 2 |
8 | Driver# | 1 |
9 | ASI Grade-I / ASI Grade-II / H. Hav./Hav./Sepoy | 2 |
TOTAL | 13 |
(F) Staffing of Commissioner (Adjudication):
Presently, there are Seven (7) Commissioners (Adjudication). It is proposed to retain this number.
Sl. No. | Grade | Norms used in the present proposal |
1 | Commissioner | 1 |
3 | DC/AC | 1 |
4 | Superintendent | 1 |
5 | Inspector | 2 |
7 | P.S. | 1 |
8 | TA | 2 |
9 | LDC | 0 |
10 | Steno. | 2 |
11 | Driver# | 1 |
12 | ASI Grade-I / ASI Grade-II / H. Hav./Hav./Sepoy | 3 |
TOTAL | 14 |
(G) Staffing Norms for Commissioner (Cadre Control):
Sl. No. | Grade | Staffing Norms |
1 | Commissioner | 1 |
2 | Addl./Jt. Commr. | 2 |
3 | DC/AC | 4 |
4 | CAO | 1 |
5 | Admn. Officer | 1 |
6 | P.S. | 1 |
7 | DOS/STA | 2 @ |
8 | TA | 4 |
9 | LDC | 1 |
10 | Steno. | 5 |
11 | Driver# | 2 |
12 | ASI Grade-I / ASI Grade-II / H. Hav./Hav./Sepoy | 10 |
TOTAL | 34 |
(H) Staffing Norms for Chief Commissioner Office:
Sl. No. | Grade | Norms used in the present proposal |
1 | Chief Commissioner | 1 |
2 | Addl. / Jt. Commr. | 1 |
3 | DC/AC | 2 |
4 | Superintendent | 1** |
5 | Inspector | 2** |
7 | P.S. | 1 |
8 | CAO | 1 |
9 | AO | 1 |
10 | DOS/STA | 1@ |
11 | TA | 2 |
12 | LDC | 0 |
13 | Steno. | 3 |
14 | Driver# | 3 |
15 | ASI Grade-I / ASI Grade-II / H. Hav./Hav./Sepoy | 10 |
16 | DD/ AD (OL) | 1 |
17 | Sr. Hindi Translator | 1 |
18 | Jr. Hindi Translator | 2 |
TOTAL | 33 |
(Source www.allindiantaxes.com/)
(Source www.allindiantaxes.com/)
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